Writer’s Compass

Click here for a direct link to The Writer’s Compass website at http://thewriterscompass.com

The Writer's Compass

Just as surveyors use a compass to map the known world, The Writer’s Compass teaches writers to use their intuition as an internal compass to create their story map. This book simplifies Aristotle’s elements of good writing into easily applicable concepts. Each stage focuses on a major story weakness such as structure, characterization, and creating tension. Through thought-provoking questions, The Writer’s Compass trains the analytical side of the brain to be creative and to write the story the writer wants to tell—in 7 stages.

Click on this link for more information about The Writer’s Compass: From Story Map to Finished Draft or go to http://thewriterscompass.com.

The Writer’s Compass: From Story Map to Finished Draft in 7 Stages, published by Writer’s Digest, will be on bookshelves June 2011. Currently it can be purchased at the major and many independent book sellers around the world. Below are a smattering of links to some of the book sellers. This list is neither exhaustive nor is it a recommendation or guarantee of the service provided by any of these sellers. If you sell The Writer’s Compass and would like to be added to the list, please let me know.


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5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. JJ Hinojosa
    Dec 30, 2011 @ 17:28:02

    Dear Ms Dodd, bless you for authoring “The Writer’s Compass.” I purchased my copy through Amazon. I’ve had a story in my gut for way too long. After preparing copies notes and character biorgraphies on the five main characters. I’ve found “compass” is the tool I’ve been looking for,. I just got my copy two weeks ago and am already into State 2. I have done all the excercises you recommended. Thanks again, dear lady, for a useful tool. JJ Hinojosa, GySgt USMC (Ret)


  2. Arike
    Sep 27, 2012 @ 12:10:39

    Dear Ms Dodd,

    I looked you up to tell you I’m finding your book very useful. I’ve written for a couple of years – though I haven’t felt up to publication yet. I wanted to commit myself more seriously and I was looking for a good book that would allow me both the freedom to insert my own ideas and a thorough grounding in technique. After several writing courses and reading books and writing group and seasons of NaNoWriMo, I knew a lot, but lacked a framework. Your book offered one that was both flexible and sturdy.
    I’m a Christian and a fantasy writer, and the combination works surprisingly well, but it does mean I’m often the only one around from that religion. I’ve found your open discussions of how writing, as activity, and being a Christian in daily life intersect very refreshing. It’s offered a perspective I didn’t yet have.
    I also appreciated how you’ve taken time to show where different writing theories overlap, especially in terminology. It simplified the template I use for preparing a storyline.
    I’m also currently in stage 2, and hope the rest of the book will work as well, but I did want to let you know I appreciate you writing it.

    All the best,



    • Nancy Ellen Dodd
      Oct 03, 2012 @ 19:34:53

      Thank you so much for sharing your comments. I appreciate hearing how The Writer’s Compass has helped you. I also appreciate knowing that we were able to relate with our Christian beliefs. I hope you will keep in touch and let me know how you are progressing in your writing.


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